New research from Social Justice Ireland has vindicated Sinn Féins economic policy, and proven its necessity to the future of this nation, that's according to County Wexfords Sinn Féin general election candidate, Cllr Anthony Kelly.
"This new research published by Social Justice Ireland proves what Sinn Féin has been saying for many years - That the policies of previous Irish governments have contributed to a growing gap between the rich and the poor in this state," Cllr Kelly said. "Government policies since 1987 have been increasing the income of the richest ten per cent of households and widening the gap between these and the rest of society. The bottom ten per cent receive only 2.28%. The number at risk of poverty would be more than three times higher if it weren’t for social welfare . Overall the share of the top 10% is nearly 11 times the share of the bottom 10%. There are more than 620,000 people (14.1% of the population) at risk of poverty in Ireland today. What kind of republic has this become?"
Cllr Kelly said that Sinn Féin intended to change this rotten system when in government, and that their alternative budget plan was a reflection of that. "Sinn Féins economic plan has been praised by leading economists and social protection groups, while being condemned by the consensus for cuts. Why? Because our policies mean changing this system and making a better country for all the people of this island, something that scares many vested interest groups.
According to Social Justice Ireland and Sinn Féin, the EU/IMF Bailout and the Four-Year Recovery Plan are continuing the process of supporting the better-off and seem set to produce a dramatic increase in poverty and social exclusion. Welfare rates are being reduced, services are being cut and charges are being introduced and/or increased.