Monday, February 14, 2011

The only poll that matters....

Yesterday’s poll in the Sunday Independent boldly declared the current percentages of support for each candidate in the county Wexford constituency. According to the poll, Sinn Féin is sitting on 5% of the vote. I find this hard to believe considering we polled 7.4% last time around, and we have grown so much since then. So I decided to investigate this poll.

First of all, this poll was put together by Quantum Research who rang 400 houses at random across the county to ask them how they will vote. I refuse to believe that this can produce an adequate result. Secondly the poll found that 33% of those polled hadn't made up their mind.


One in three of those polled hadn't made up their mind. This makes this poll worthless.

I would say that only one poll will matter, and that's the one that we'll see on the night of the 25th telling us who will represent the County Wexford constituency in the next Dail.

There’s work to be done. Lets ignore the crap, and lets build our new Ireland.

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